Not too much to say about this one. It's been on my list for a while and I polished it off this weekend in a few sittings. It's Gears, but on a tropical island setting, so you know what to expect. You progress from one linear environment dotted with waist-high blocks to the next, shooting gribbly alien monsters making your way from set-piece to set-piece. There's the bit when you're stuck on a moving object for a while as you try to fend off enemies who shoot down at you. There's the bit where you have to defend your position against enemy hordes for a set amount of time. There's an almost ridiculous amount of sliding down slopes on your backside while shooting. There's a couple of boss battles. Stop me if you've heard this before.

It looks lovely on ultra-wide with everything turned up to eleven, and it clips by at a decent pace for its three hour run-time, but I imagine it'll prove entirely forgettable. It's probably best played with a couple of mates as a co-op campaign that you can get through in three or four sessions, one that's not going to take up too much of your time or brain power.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
