I've had this installed on my Miyoo Mini for months but thought I'd give it a go after it did so well in Back Page Pod's recent Best Games of 2003 draft. Not having played a Wario Ware game before, but knowing vaguely what to expect, I thought it was great fun. The daft animations and funny little noises made me laugh out loud frequently, and the creativity but also accessibility of each of the microgames was impressive - it's remarkable how immediately you know exactly how to do, often just from a one word prompt, like 'Dodge!', 'Find!' or 'Praise!'. Favourite games include the one where you have to shake hands with the border collie, and the one where you have to use scarab beetle Wario to guide a golf ball into a hole, after which he laughs maniacally.

I will say, however, that I completed the 'campaign', for want of a better word, in about sixty minutes one Sunday afternoon and then went back to the endless mode to play all of the games in each level, which only took a few more sessions. It's a very short game, then, but I guess this is missing the point: anyone looking for a rich single-player experience should look elsewhere; this is very much a game to have a quick blast on while you're waiting for the kettle to boil, or cooking dinner, or, as Wario would probably have wanted, when taking a dump.

I don't know that much about the series as a whole, but I understand that all of the sequels never quite captured the magic of this first game. That said, I'd be interested to know if people recommended either of the Switch games for multiplayer, as the formula feels like it could make for a great party game.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
