I will knowingly say this has been my favorite Pokémon game since gen 5, glitches, framerate dips and all. I genuinely think this gen has had the best mon designs, difficulty, and seamless world design since then. The ost was great, with many composers bringing their talent, too. The negatives, obviously the performance at points but I was lucky to barely encounter anything big outside of framerate dips. Pokémon needs voice acting, too. I imagine certain points would hit a lot harder if it was present. Pokémon needs more time in the oven. Gamefreak needs to re-evaluate their release schedule to ensure each gen comes out in the best possible form. Lastly, no spoilers but the story was great. The final area is something super cool and I hope Pokémon leans into that aesthetic a lot more in the future. Fantastic game.

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2022
