The Callisto Protocol was a game at the top of my list in terms of excitement since it was announced due to the pedigree of developers behind it in their work on dead space. There are things I found that worked really well, and things that need to take a hard left turn and stop for a theoretical sequel. For positives, the game is gorgeous, ambiance and environmental noises were very well done. The weapons, while I wish they were a bit more varied and creative, had a kick to them and were satisfying to use. Jacob is a cool lead, and the performances were pretty good. The use of haptic feedback and the controller speaker were nice. However, there's a lot I hope is improved on, enemy variety was minimal, and the combat didn't feel like it was supposed to be part of a horror game. It became frustrating in certain areas, and feel it didn't work nearly as well when there's more than one enemy on screen. It was hard to tell where to even go sometimes, and could use an indicator or tracker. The story was fairly basic too I hope the next game is more open, a bit more creative with it's environments, and improves all the shortcomings with the combat. All in all, I'd say the game is worth your time, it was a fun, albeit short romp, and I hope wherever this series goes it gets even better. It feels good to have more horror in the AAA space.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2022
