An all around solid metroidvania with beautiful art and a heavy but serene atmosphere.

I really like how open and cryptic the game is. You're dropped in this world with no explanation and it's up to you to figure out what to do, though it's not too hard to piece together. There are several areas you can head to from the start and it's your choice what order to tackle them in. Even when an area seems gated by a specific item, some clever thinking can get you through.

The gameplay and items feel very tightly knit. Often in metroidvanias the powerups you get will have singular uses, but that's not the case here. Every item you get has some unique interactions. I'd like to talk more about this point but I feel that'd spoil the experience.

The puzzles are cute. A lot of them are hard but not obtuse, I never found myself getting stuck for very long. I do wish there was more to the puzzles than just "press three yellow buttons to open a door" though. The solutions don't feel samey but it still would've been nice to have more variety. The game is very short so there wasn't enough time for this to start bothering me, but if it were any longer it would've.

Which brings me to my main complaint. The main game took me 4 hours to get through. I didn't feel like I was rushing at all either, I explored as much as I could. I think it's nice how tight the game experience feels, but I really enjoyed exploring the Well and was sad to see it didn't last long.

There seems to be a good chunk of post game content but I'm not too interested in going through it. A lot of it seems to entail going over the map again, but the main draw of the game for me was the sense of discovery when visiting new locations so I don't think I'd enjoy doing that.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
