Log Status






Time Played

2h 42m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 2, 2024

First played

January 1, 2024

Platforms Played


It's a game that tries to be deep and philosophical, but for me it was mostly sleep and headache inducing.

Everything is way too white and bright, the chromatic aberration and motion blur are absolutely horrid and the character moves quite slowly.

They tried to implement a good stamina gauge when you try to carry the rock you get tired after awhile, but that really makes the game much more annoying, as it happens way too often and doesn't really make sense when the rock doesn't even seem heavy and feels more like a foam block rather than stone.

I got this game from a friend, so I didn't spend my own money on it, but I would definitely not recommend this game. 10€ is way too much for this game, and it's just isn't entertaining.