Tacoma is an narrative adventure walking simulator game set aboard a high-tech space station stationed new Luna, our moon, in the year 2088. You enter the station as Amitjyoti "Amy" Ferrier and your mission is to uncover the mystery of Tacoma Station, as well as getting the AI Core safe from the station. You’ll explore every detail of how the station’s crew lived and worked, finding the clues that add up to a gripping story of trust, fear, and resolve in the face of disaster.

The mechanics of the AI Recorded memories where you would follow different characters around during various scenes was interesting and quite enjoyable. I was really interested in learning about each character, and the fact that the memories often divided between rooms and characters added replay value for each memory.

Sadly I found myself wondering what the relevance of some of the "desktop" files were, as the world-building that was often delivered through various news articles felt like a lot of reading for very little relevance. They didn't really give me more information or insight into what the characters were going through, but there were enough interesting conversations between characters to learn something about them.

One of my gripes with this game was that I would have wished for the characters to be shown as more personalized designs, rather than just the basic mannequin holograms with different colors. It would have given more personality for each character, and learning about them would have been more enjoyable.

Tacoma was also quite short, maybe even too short for it's own good. The story is intriguing and gripping you at every turn, but sadly, there is just too little in a short amount of time. I feel like the game would have been better with more optional memories, more info on who the characters were, more dialogue about the happenings on the station and the reason why it was now abandoned.

Tacoma is all about its characters and the overall story, and because those aspects of it were well balanced, I would absolutely recommend it. I find the full price of it a little hefty for how short it is, but the game is a quality product, there is no mistake of that. If you enjoy walking simulators, especially ones that provide good, and immersive story experiences, then you’ll likely enjoy Tacoma.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
