You join Finn the Bard on his quest to write 'the greatest ballad ever' as he undertakes "The King's Challenge".

The Order of the Thorne - The King's Challenge is an adventure point & click game from the developers of Quest for Infamy, it's done in a retro-esque style that reminds you of the King's Quest games. The artstyle is a pretty pixel style with detailed backgrounds, artworks and little less detailed sprites. The gameplay includes going around the world, gathering things, using those things to do other things and get other things and playing songs on your lute.

The game is pretty fun and definitely worth investing the four hours it took me to complete the game 100%. There were some annoyances, like not having an autosave and the fact that the game crashed on me multiple times, which resulted in lost progress and repeated steps. Though, the game was quite easy to re-do steps in, as long as you remembered the stuff you were supposed to do.

The soundtrack was lovely and I very much enjoyed the narration and the fact that all of the characters were voiced, though some of the characters had very annoying voices that made me grind my teeth lol. The songs Finn was playing were also very nice and I wish there were full songs of those clips.

In the end, definitely recommended to play this game! I am super glad that I got this game from my streamer friend, VitriolPlays, and she has told me multiple times how awesome the devs are as well.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
