The word “workhorse” kept popping into my mind while playing F.E.A.R. 3.
Here I was, inexplicably playing a 2011 first-person shooter, which I haven’t thought about since 2011 when it was released. Years ago, I bought F3 for pennies in a Steam sale, and it sat untouched in my library. Until last weekend. I was looking for a time sink to decompress, and thought a PS3/360 era shooter would fit the bill. And it was.

For four nights F.E.A.R. 3 was just dependable. I played it as a cool-down from the day and as a break from the competitive adrenaline of Counter-Strike and Warzone. The discrete levels and linear corridors funneled my tedious, built-up frustrations into a loop of headshots, bullet time, and possessing dudes.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2021
