I wish I could give this game a higher rating and it is so frustrating that I can't.

The setting is incredible and definitely the biggest highlight of the game you roam around this vast abandoned land with incredible attention to detail and stunning visuals. The giant colossi work in contrast with the vast empty world to create a sense of awe that I have yet to experience in other media. Some of my favourite parts are just exploring this empty land as I found myself going off the made path a few times only to find nothing each and every time, yet it never felt like a waste of time as the graphics and style is just that beautiful that I actively want to see more of it. Besides the colossi themselves the world does have life that you can occasionally stumble upon such as lizards and birds flying right next to you and your horse which always feels magical.

The colossi are incredibly designed visually and going around killing them all can feel very sad as you are extinguishing these remarkable beings and putting an end to the majority of the life throughout this near dead land.

That being said the actual gameplay of fighting a colossus is a mixed bag. On one side each colossi is like a puzzle you have to figure out how to reach its weak point without dying yourself. When you finally realise what it is you are supposed to do and the amazing music in the background cheers you on as you defeat these impossible creatures it can be some of the best moments in any game. It is moments like these that made me see why it is so loved to this day.
That being said a lot of the time these moments can be ruined as it feels like you are fighting the games camera rather than the colossus as the camera tends to do its own thing making it so you cant even so your character often. This issue with the camera puts the game down an entire point for me it is honestly that fucking dreadful.

Bluepoint done an amazing job at updating the graphics but that seems to be all they did for this remaster as the game still plays like it is on the PS2. This brings me to another issue with the game. The controls. They are bad. Especially in certain sections of the game such as the final playable part which is impossible to control smoothly which for me ruined this otherwise amazing moment in the finale.

If there is another remaster or remake of this game it could be one of my favourites as I am in love with everything about this game in concept but in practice there are many glaring issues that prevent this from being the masterpiece it should be.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
