Admittedly, The Cat Lady has some flaws: Exploration feels clunky, you can't skip dialogues. The plot can be a bit slow as well and has little replay value, unless you just want to experience the story for a second time.
On top of that, it deals with some heavy themes that might not be everyone's cup of tea.

Yet, I still utterly adore this game. It provides an atmosphere of complete isolation, a sense of alienation. Every moment of happiness, human connection feels fragile and brittle, thus becoming a cherished instance of light in a sea of despair and hopelessness.

Susan's tale is not a happy one. There's not much solace to be found. At times, the surreal scenes reminded me of Kafka's works and I was reminded, again and again, of a line from A Country Doctor: “What am I doing in this eternal winter?” Indeed, playing this made me feel as if I was trapped in a November night, the last person awake, just my thoughts to keep me company. Heavy and foreboding and, at the same time, so very kind and comforting.

Just give this a shot. Maybe it won't turn your life upside down but I think it changed me a bit. I am quite sure it saved my life a tiny bit. If someone would ask me what it means to be human, I would point at this game without hesitation.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

I may be a little late, but just so you know: you can skip dialogues with the space bar and now you can use save states and delete save files from inside the game with the delete key. Those things weren't there before the 1.7 update (except for the skip of dialogues, that was always there) and i feel they improved greately the slow aspect of the game. Good review.