Tetris has never looked better - the maps are a sight to see, paired with (mostly) amazing soundtrack and a pretty neat multiplayer- I certainly prefer this version over classic Tetris as it feels more intuitive and modern.

Still, this game has some flaws that really worsen the experience. The UI is a bit clunky at times and there are not a lot of people online, so reach out to a friend if you really want to enjoy the multiplayer options.
Some of the songs are simply awful. There is this weird remix of the classic Tetris song that sounds so bad, I had to turn of the BGM for a bit. I never knew there was a rendition of that song that didn't slap - perhaps this is an achievement in itself.

While the learning curve can be a bit brutal, it never seemed unfair to me. Just a matter of practice!

Reviewed on May 01, 2023
