Machinegames understands action, how to make it mean something more than a spectacle of masculinity, how to apply it wholeheartedly into the spirit of defiance in the face of fascism.
Historically, BJ is a purposefully flat character, rendered with no purpose other than to be a face on the other side of a gun. TNO does not deny this, but instead gives him a heart to match his muscle, a righteous care for the people he represents. Everything goes right for him, in classic action movie style, but this untouchable force he represents is not just for the sake of mechanical fun, but a symbol of standing up to impossible odds and sparking hope when it feels like all is lost. This one-man army is a revolution, a modern day golem, a pinnacle of love and freedom and hope. Wolfenstein may depict a bleak world, but it knows that fascism cannot and will not last when opposed by even just one person, and it knows exactly how to make it feel good when you tear it all down with your bare hands.

Reviewed on May 01, 2023
