The game is very good,
It looks beautiful, story is intriguing but it should have been 10-15 shorter.
Combat is very weak and i like that its real time and not a jrpg which i though it was at the time but i will say i enjoyed the ingame game Earth Borne way more.
I have not played the dlc but i will rectify that in the future.

I started my adventure into this trash heap of a world in 2024
and i must say its not bad its not also good but its interesting.
If i had a knife and a lot of time i could go through the game and pick out the best (which there is btw) and separate it from the worst of the game but its a bethesda game so fuck i aint doing that. i started my journey as a punishment and have promised to get to 40 hours but i ended putting in ha ha funny 76 hours. Now why did i do that well dear reader i "liked" the later parts of the game, you just have to suffer through the first 20 hours until you are leveled enough to start the Interesting quest lines that don't sound computer generated. I like to give every game a fair shake you know pros and cons and
whatever . I find my self that i usually have more to say about bad games then i do of good ones.So i will conclude this with saying play this game if you have nothing better to do and only get it on a very steep discount. It is a time sink that tries to scam you out of your money for time savers. I dont recommended it what so ever but will say that its not as bad "NOW" but it earned its reputation for a reason.

I will honestly just say this the game hooked me from the start. i played the early access when there was only 1 episode and did everything you can possibly do. Great game if i was only talking about chapter 1. Chapter 2 is pretty good continues what was great from chapter 1 now set in a swamp map with unique characters and an actual choice do you save the pretty lady or the priest.(you probably know which one i chose) But i will say that the chapter 2 was kinda ruined because of the ending boss fight, it just felt like there was more to be done there but they failed to find a way to make it work. Then chapter 3 starts and i just could not, i played it for like 3 hours after that and i didn't want to continue. The biggest reason why i stopped playing was because when you transition from one area to the next the previous area weapons are obsolete, which would be fine if you were provided weapons or a way to go through the early stage of the chapter to get geared up. It could also be that because i was playing it one after another that i got burned out. ill probably return to this game later.