The Combatribes kind of sucks. I see sometimes that people consider this game more worthy of the title Double Dragon 3 than the games that actually got it, and more than anything that just worries me about the quality of those. This is like, not fun at all. It's really slow and choppy (though that may just be a problem with the SNES version), stages are only one screen long without much to see at all, and bosses are really irritating, especially the third boss (some guy named Trash) and the final boss who is just absolutely broken. Also it's like, really ugly? That can't just be me, it just does not look appealing at all regardless of version. Technos' other games that I've seen don't really have this problem, my best guess is that this is their first 16-bit game but I'm not even sure that is the case. Either way, it's ugly. And annoying. Not worth a shot.

Reviewed on May 17, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

I'm totally adding this on my list. Sometimes I just like trying bad games for giggles.