(played with MagneticBurn)

Feels a bit cluelessly designed overall. We spent like ~45 credits across only five stages and the vast majority of those were on these bosses that were just kind of brick walls. Enemy variety is even lesser than Konami's other beatemups of the time, and even the better ones already have an issue with this. Also worth noting is, unlike nearly all arcade beatemups I've played thus far, you can't switch who you're playing as on new credits. Whoever you pick at the start, you're sticking with them until the game is over.

I suppose a lot of these can be excused depending on the person, seeing as it is a really early beatemup, even predating Final Fight by a month. But like...is it any fun today? Especially with the standards set so shortly after? Not really. At least it's not the Double Dragon trilogy, I guess.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2022
