Not giving it a rating because I didn’t finish it, but this one hurt to put away. Everything about the game is very deep and nuanced: the story, gameplay, and even the choices. Unfortunately, it’s not engaging enough moment to moment to keep me for the 40ish hour runtime. 24 hours in, and I just don’t feel like grinding through these long filler battles in order to get the levels and equipment I need to finish chapter 3.

I’ll probably come back to in one day when I’m in the mood, read the in depth glossary to catch myself up, and hop back in.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024

1 Comment

29 days ago

If you need to level, you can just do training battles put it on auto, do something else and repeat when the battle is done. There is also a infinite gold method (one of the items you can buy fro the shop for less than it sells producing infinite money with a few buttons. It still isn't patched out so by all means look it up). If those reasons ware why you quit this might help!