This game is the most generic AAA slop I've ever experienced. When I think of a generic AAA game this will always be what comes to mind. The gameplay is less arcadey than the original Mirror's Edge and they've changed the game from a level-based system to an open-world system (yawn). You might think for a free-running game that this would be an improvement but it actually hurts the game immensely. Now, instead of carefully crafted environments we have generic environments that are boring to play through. Couple this with the fact that you'll be running through the same areas of the city hundreds of times, you'll wish you never saw another white building again. Let me be clear, the gameplay is not bad it's just mediocre and boring. I commend DICE for attempting to tell an actual story unlike the original Mirror's Edge. The cutscenes look good and are well acted, but none of the characters are ever fleshed out with clear arcs. If you really enjoyed the first Mirror's Edge then maybe you will enjoy this game in small bursts but after a while your eyes will glaze over. Generic, mediocre, AAA game.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2024
