The gameplay is still as smooth as Assassin’s Creed II but they take away some of the upgrades you got in the previous game so the gameplay is a little less satisfying. The twist of Machiavelli not being the traitor and some random generic character model no name guy that we saw very early in the game being the real traitor was one of the biggest let downs of the campaign. I also would have liked it better if the main villain Cesare Borgia was in the game more than he is. He’s an interesting villain in that he’s just pure evil but we don’t see him as much as I would like. I also have no idea how Cesare escaped from prison near the end of the game. The death of Rodrigo Borgia, the villain from the first game was lame and makes no sense. I liked seeing Ezio build the Assassin brotherhood and see him fight alongside his allies. It felt like the plot was more coherent than Assassin’s Creed II and Ezio feels a lot more pro-active than before which was great. I was definitely more interested in the story this time around and the characters were much better and more iconic. I even liked sending assassin’s out on missions across the globe. I know I said a lot of bad things about the game but I actually enjoyed this game a lot more than Assassin’s Creed II. Definitely a fun game with some good characters and a decent story.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2024
