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I used to hate Shadow of the Colossus. The movement is clunky, the horse is terrible, the climbing feels largely unresponsive, the camera... Any time I would bring up my criticisms of Shadow of the Colossus, a friend would constantly say, "That's the point." I never understood it. Looking at Ueda's other works, I would always say that I thought that The Last Guardian is by FAR his best game and is a modern masterpiece. I think I get it now.

I first played Shadow of the Colossus in 2021. I bought it around my birthday, and I was so excited to get lost in its world. I had only ever heard good things about it. At first, I saw what all the hype was about. Around halfway through the game, though, its problems started showing up more and more. By the end, while fighting the final Colossus, I started to hate it.

Now that I'm older and my tastes have changed, I figured that I should give it another shot. During that halfway point where I started to get annoyed originally, I instead felt like I was getting it. All of its "problems" work together to make an experience like no other.

The remake elevates all of its qualities by giving it an incredible presentation. The remade OST is atmospheric, and the graphical overhaul that Bluepoint and Japan Studio (RIP) feel exactly like what Ueda would have made if he was not constrained by the technical limitations of the PS2. The camera being fixed in some places or moving on its own gives the game a filmic quality that I feel no other game has nowadays.

The gameplay is simple albeit fascinating. Try to put yourself into Wander's shoes. I know that I wouldn't be able to fight any of these Colossi, and Ueda is able to show this with gameplay. You are powerless compared to these giant freaks of nature. The horse, I feel, is still one of the weakest parts of the game. Wander and Agro have obviously been with each other for a while, so I am unsure why we are not able to control him too well.

With all that being said, I still think that this game isn't perfect. Like I said, the horse isn't great, and some Colossi aren't that fun to fight. The camera, although cinematic, can sometimes be terrible. In some fights, it can be really hard to see where you are, where you're going, or what the Colossus is doing.

I still think that The Last Guardian is better, but Shadow of the Colossus is a damn good experience.