Log Status






Time Played

219h 45m

Days in Journal

28 days

Last played

November 9, 2022

First played

March 13, 2020

Platforms Played


Logged so many hours on this when I was really into the community, following creators and trying their levels up to the easier Kaizo courses. Only made a few levels myself (code if you want it here: RSC-WX0-QSF), but being able to play the different styles and all their power-ups is great.

What kept me coming back was the Ninji speedruns, though, those really got me going! Bite-sized speedrun levels, being able to see other players around your level play, and a constantly updating leaderboard. Every month or so that those came out (and then fewer and fewer through 2021), would pick this back up and play for that whole active period. Usually managed to place within the top 1000, first getting to bronze or silver star with my own method, then watching Panga streams and copying the strats.

Super Worlds were a fun update, but wish they came earlier and weren't announced as part of the "last update ever" - took the wind out of the sails for this game. Still though, an active community, and if there's ever an interesting level I find on my feed, I enjoy jumping back into this and trying it out. Currently still holding the record on a few courses here and there, including Haelian's level!

If a 3rd one came out, would definitely be interested in picking that up. Probably prefer to keep it in 2D though, keep it simple. A mode in the Wonder style feels ripe to add in!