Loved Card-Jitsu and the lore behind it, as well as all the spy missions. Hopped back into the island in 2017 when it was announced that it was closing, and tried out Card-Jitsu Snow, which barely ran (Card-Jitsu Water already was struggling and you mostly progressed because other penguins were dying from not being able to move either).

Although it did take away from the chill vibe of the games, I did enjoy trying to collect the achievement stamps in each of the mini-games that they added, like Cart Surfer or the Jetpack game.

First party I remember, besides the Holiday Party and Rockhopper visits, was the April Fools' orange puffle. They introduced so many of those in the future.

I think I met Gary once in person? (in penguin?).

Good times.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
