A Bomberman like no other (except Bomberman pocket adventure on Game boy)
This game doesn't follow series tradition and basically does it's own thing, you can jump. That might sound mundane but Bomberman does not jump, he just doesn't (well except in this game obviously).

The way you attack in the game is bombs as you would probably expect, though you mainly throw them in this game.

The writing is terrible, I think they shouldn't have bothered with this games' plot, just skip the cutscenes thankfully that's an option, you wouldn't be missing anything.

It's a fun, decent action platformer, the platforming works momentum feels good and most levels are enjoyable to navigate.
Any time you have to use a vehicle the game takes a very steep drop in quality and enjoyability, it does add some needed variety and a few of the vehicle levels are fun, but most of them slow your character down a lot and remove the platforming element. Aside from the snowboarding levels, those quick and enjoyable though a bit unpolished.

For about every 6 good levels there's one dreadful boring one, but they usually won't take too long to get over with.
You will dread the underwater levels, you move extremely slow in addition to those levels running at 10fps for whatever reason, they leave a horrible impression.

The level design isn't very cohesive and you kind of just repeatedly stunlock enemies with your explosions until they blow up, it's not a very deep game, the "combat" is not it's strength, this is ok since the focus of the game is platforming and enemies are more of an obstacle.

This was an early N64 game and it's very noticeable, many N64 games have low quality blurred textures and this one doesn't try to hide it, it can be just ugly at times, some enemies are so poorly modeled that you can't even tell what they're supposed to be, there's some"charm" in it's simple visuals especially if you are nostalgic for this system.

I wouldn't say it's just bad looking overall, just that you will notice the blurry look it looks about as good as most mid-budget 3rd party N64 games.

There's a pretty good amount of levels and completion rewards just don't expect multiplayer, this game doesn't have it.

The most well known thing about Hero is the music, if you like "drum and bass" style it's legendary, it's one of my favorite game soundtracks on the N64 and it's well done for what it is, even if the tracks are short.
If you hate this style this will not change your mind.

For 3D Platformers you could do a lot worse, this one is pretty good all things considered.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2023
