A decent first handheld entry after SotN. Not a clone like HoD.

I enjoyed this game for what it was. It tried new things. It is a metroidvania. But plays more like classic-vania.

You have your classic whip and then armor. After beating the game you can play with other characters with different playstyles.

The big change here is the card system. You equip certain cards to give yourself certain abilities. Each card has a combo that changes it's abilities. So for example, the top card allows your whip to have elemental damage. The bottom row of cards that pair with it are the different elements. One for ice, fire, poison, etc.

The problem is that cards are random drops. So you gotta grind for them. Some may drop on their own. But a lot, you will have to grind. I specifically went out of my way to grind to get the passive healing card combo. It was the only way I could beat the game.

This game is stupidly hard and quite frankly, unfair. It is a frustrating experience. You don't have a lot of healing options. Your best bet is to grind out the healing cards. It makes the game a lot easier as you can stand still and heal if you need. The final boss is also infuriatingly hard.

It looks like a GBC game. Exploring is fun. Traversal can be annoying at times. It's a bit slow. But as per usual, the music is all bangers.

A great first attempt at something not like SotN. Sadly it's major flaw is its reliance on the card system. Something you have to grind for. A trend that will continue in later installments. But even more frustrating as they are required and you don't even know it. But that is for another review.

Play it if you like Castlevania. Avoid it if you want a well balanced experience with minimal grinding. I cannot express how difficult and punishing this game is. The hardest of the metroidvania type CV games.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
