This series is the video game equivalent to a book that makes you keep turning the pages. It has this incredible ability to keep the player engaged in the plot. It is impressive how much emotion it evokes out of the player despite only being 8-10 hours long. The entire series is fantastic with the exception of New Frontier (which sucks and the series is better without it)

Specifically the final season has a couple aspects to it which I find really neat. The idea that what you teach AJ reflects in his character I find very fascinating, and haven't seen implemented elsewhere. The story has plenty of moments that will leave the player very emotional, albeit not with the same potency as parts 1 and 2. This games high tension moments are incredible. Some issues I have with the game however, lie with some of the characters being weak and acting irrationally, which is to be expected, but it is still frustrating. Additionally, the choices you make do not impact the ending as much as I feel like they should, considering that this is the final season.

Overall a very good game, I would say the hiearchy for Walking Dead Telltale is


Reviewed on May 09, 2024
