Oh, this game scratched the Rollcage itch I didn't know I still had. The levels and graphics look gorgeous, as well as the race courses are well built for high velocity, combat racing. Contains a healthy variety of game modes that range between racing, maneuvering, combat and even one that scores you for totality of all you're capable of (Ultimate Race mode).

Only some moments of frustration come by when you bump to some obstacles of any size and you're drifting helplessly in the air until you get respawned or finally touch down and regain your lost momentum, but I guess that comes with racing games. I once had to drive back a bit of the course because the game tells me the correct way is wrong way, although I can't tell if it was a check point I missed or it's a bug.

With that said, I've run it for an hour and feel like I've got a fair share in what it's about, so I'll keep it shelved until there comes a time I want to find something to play for the party times. Well worth checking it out if you're a racing gamer, especially in the combat niche.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
