A game that sucked me in straight away, and I really enjoyed its gameplay loop of exploring, fishing, upgrading. The day/night cycle is cool too, I really started to sweat every day around 6pm as the day grew darker and I knew night was approaching, and all the dangers unseen. And heck, just cruising around in your boat is pretty relaxing in itself.

But at about the 10 hour mark, when I had explored pretty much the entire map and found all the docks, I found that all my remaining quests were just simple boring, quite grindy fetch quests. Some random guy in a robe on an island says "Catch this fish/crab and bring it to me". OK, so I have to find where this fish is at on the map, if its in your encyclopaedia cool that helps, if not its basically a time consuming game of chance. Oh I found it finally, oh shit don't have the right rod to catch it though. Gotta go to a dock and research it. Oh I don't have any research tools, ok now I gotta go find some of them (more time consuming), now i can research the rod. Oh shit i don't have enough money to buy it, now i gotta go fish for a few days to get the money. more time consuming. Ok ive bought the rod, now i gotta go find the fish again. Ok ive finally caught the damn fish, return to the NPC. His reward, some book that gives me a 5% discount at stores. Hmmm.

It was at this point, I was like, as much as I enjoy the game, the quests suck, there's really no story to speak of, and im kinda just over the grindy boring fetch quests. Im still undecided if ill finish it or not. I just wish it had more of a story to keep me playing.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024
