Recently found out that one of my friends did the motion capture for this!? Decided to go back and replay it, but emulation is...not good. So we rely on memory.

Janky framerate aside, this game kicked fucking ass. The sheer number of ideas they crammed into the weapons and gadgets was astonishing. Emptying a clip and throwing the gun itself which then explodes? Never got old. 4-player deathmatch with x-ray sniper rifles? Consistently hilarious. Dual wielding automatic pistols while riding a hoverbike around Area 51? I was the ultimate badass.

Remote controlled missiles. Spy cameras. Disguises. Multiplayer bots with a range of behaviours. Co-op and competitive 2-player story mode. Aliens. An own-brand Sean Connery. The list goes on. Love love love it.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2021
