The pure definition of a survival and horror game. Gameplay requires you to strategically manage your inventory and make high risk decisions to navigate the environment. Playing this game in 2015 I’ll say that it has the most intuitive map system I’ve ever seen, ala making red x’s over areas that are inaccessible and updates as the player explores the map. The atmosphere is the pivotal attraction in this game, despite the dated pixilation the environments evoke a tangible sadness and eeriness as well as suggestive and subtle imagery. Initially a technical restraint, the use of mist to hide the lack of draw distance creates a constant fear of the unknown. Atmosphere is also bolstered by the fantastic sound design of Akira Yamaoka, who at this point is synonymous with the SH series. As much as sound is important in horror film, it shows more in games. Indistinct, metallic, and uncanny sound effects populate the environments in tandem with subtle ambience or silence that builds a real sense of uncomfortableness and tension. SH also manages to tell a personal psychological story along with an impressive lore that mythifies small-town America. SH has no jump scares in sight as it’s mantra is subtlety and suggestion.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024
