P4G is a great game when you don’t have a bozo in your ear misinterpreting the story and themes of Kanji and Naoto

With that being said tho fuck Yosuke

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2023


7 months ago

As much as I love Yosuke, he really has some terrible moments. :( such a shame Atlus had to include unfunny moments of him acting like an absolute creep and being oddly homophobic when Kanji is around...

7 months ago

@G0dot Yeah I agree. He has some good moments when he does but lord his lows are so low. I don't know why making him homophobic and having him be creepy as hell (alongside Teddie) towards the girls was the move for ATLUS but here we are.

Definitely my least favorite "best friend" character of the series by far

7 months ago

@JoeNathan His voice actor is absolutely talented as well and must've definitely enjoyed voicing yosuke but I can't imagine how uncomfortable he must've felt when having to voice his creepy lines...My favorite "best bro" character is easily Ryuji though Junpei is great too.

7 months ago

Heard that they were originally gonna give Yosuke a romance route in this game, which probably explains the homophobia from him, but it got cut unfortunately :(

7 months ago

@G0dot Oh absolutely, Yuri does a great job bringing the character to life, but I can only imagine what was running through his head say those lines.

Ryuji definitely is a "best bro" and Junpei is a great character overall 1000%

7 months ago

@SmashBlack Yeah I saw and read up on that too :/ they seemed like they were building up to some big reveal about that but probably chickened out last minute for w/e reason