1 review liked by Joft

Halo 2 is what a sequel should strive to become. It keeps what works, improves upon that foundation, and built upon it and addresses certain criticisms. Even as a remaster it’s a significant upgrade from combat evolved. A big problem with that game is the upgraded visuals are just so drastically different from the original vision. The art style completely changed and, in many cases, lost the atmosphere of the original and looked worse in places. From a pure presentation standpoint, it's an odd remaster and not a good remaster. In the case of the anniversary edition for 2, it's substantially better. The art style is close to the original and makes updates if necessary. In this case, it seems like 343 understood the original Halo 2 and tried to present that vision in the best quality possible while retaining that atmosphere and it mostly succeeds, it looks stunning.

One of the biggest compliments I can give is that it’s bloody ambitious. The storytelling is so much superior in every sense. The narrative of the original is fine, but here it just takes what work and builds upon it in a compelling way. The Covenant is so much better, I didn't think much of them but here, due to a certain gameplay choice, it makes you think of this organisation in a new light. It gives them depth, and some humanity to the covenant so the struggles become more human as a result. It's not the most complex story just one executed brilliantly. This is helped by the beautiful cutscenes done by Blur Studio. It compliments this space epic so much when presented in this format while the new visuals in gameplay it's just breathtaking.

The gameplay is better than Halo 1. The guns feel snappier, the dual wielding makes it more fun, and the weapon variety is welcomed. I even enjoyed the unique weapon specific to this game and not just the typical rifles, shotguns etc. Though one change I'm a bit mixed on which are shields. I do as it regenerates faster, but the lack of HP makes it hard to indicate how much can you take before dying once the shield is gone. I assume the HP is equivalent to the max in Halo 1, it's just there's a lack of an indicator that gives uncertainty. Maybe have the bar and once the shield regenerated the HP regenerates? Though it's a small issue. The levels are a significant improvement, sure it's less open but it's also less empty as a result. The momentum in gameplay is just better, there's no stupid level as bad as the library and the pacing is just strong across the board. I'm not sure if the vehicle's improved drastically, but it did feel slightly improved. Lastly, the music is fantastic, Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori just get better and better. The tracks in this game just rules, full stop!

There are two major criticisms I have for the game firstly, the bosses, they suck. There might be one decent exchange, but it's not worth it at all. It's very anti-climactic and doesn't favour the strengths of Halo. Secondly, it just ends, I heard the reason is that they ran out of budget which is starkly apparent. Even without knowing that it just feels incomplete, you are in the final mission and the climax is beginning then it just ends. Now I have to praise other aspects there are some new alien entities and beings that are a welcome addition. I think it's in mission 12 the opening cinematic which is fantastic, another is that POV. Which makes those levels very interesting.

In Conclusion, this is the ideal sequel and it’s a must-play if you have played Halo 1, just prepare to install Halo 3 soon afterwards.