Protip: Hit Zodd until he dies.

I wish I could praise the care that’s been taken into replicating Gut’s moveset, from the way you have to consider the space you’re fighting in, lest your sword bounce off a wall, to the almost-juggling you can perform by sliding into enemies and then attacking, but it would all be disingenuous. Really, just mash “A,” heal as needed, hope that your rage mode triggers, and (if needed) use your mega buster. It sort of flattens the difficulty curve for combat once you realize that’s the strategy for the the game, but I almost want to say that’s the point: shirking most of your arsenal in favor of the most efficient (and brutal) approach, embodying Guts's single-minded ferocity in the process.

Or maybe the game is a repetitive mess of killing the same few enemies over and over, I legitimately don’t know.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2021
