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I Absolutely love this visual novel. Honestly its insane how much i love it. I don't think i can really describe my love for this very well but i will try my best. This is not really a review but just a small summary of my feelings.

Plot/Concept I absolutely adore the plot and overall concept of Fate stay night. 7 legendary heroes from different time periods/mythologies are getting summoned by 7 magi to fight in a battle royal to get their wish granted? This is so RAW. But while i do love this a lot, i would lie if i said that this VN doesn't waste a lot of potential this plot has to offer

Slice of life: This might be the worst part about this vn for a lot of people: But for me its up there with the best things about it. I enjoyed almost every second of the SoL part. My emotional connection to the characters and my overall investment wouldn't be this high without it. The SoL gives the writer a good chance for info dumping, developing relationships, build up and it helps the pacing a lot.

Pacing: I like the concept of days a lot. Each day has a reasonably length. It never feels too long and never too short. The balance between SoL and everything else is almost perfect.

Music: This is insanely underrated. All the soundtracks are amazing with some of the most memorable tracks i've ever heard. It is honestly perfect

Characters: This is one of the biggest strengths and weaknesses of this VN. It has some absolutely amazing characters like shirou, kotomine, sakura and archer but it has also quite a few bad characters like hassan, medea, medusa and kuzuki. There are also some character that aren't bad but just very badly utilised like shinji and kojiro.

Overall: This is an amazing story about characters fighting for their ideal and what they believe in. A clash of different truths if you want to call it that. It is beautiful. It took me along time to finish it but i enjoyed every second of it. I will miss this stoy a lot but hey i still have hollow ataraxia so its not completely over :)