Gearing up for a re-play of this probably after I finish my Fallout marathon of the franchise.

I remember in 2019 reading people describing this as either the spiritual successor to Fallout: New Vegas or a failed / mediocre one and I thought to myself ... no, more like Fallout 1.

It says Obsidian, but this wasn't the team who made New Vegas. This in so much of its game design philosophy and construction is essentially riffing on the first Fallout and really, that should be no real surprise why that is: Cain / Boyarsky.

I've read criticisms towards the thematic nature of the game being shallow and not much being done with themes around unchecked power / capitalism, corporate greed and exploitation of its workers and people. That it has no real solution to any of it and sure, I get it. I remember just generally finding it a light-hearted romp with some zany funny characters, some genuinely well-written zingers in there wrapped around half-way decent gameplay. Could be better, but far from terrible.

Looking forward to my re-play here soon which will be coming off me finishing Fallout: New Vegas (for the 36th time).

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
