Full disclosure:
I played and finished XI before i touched this game, the only exposure i ever had was watching my cousins play it when i was younger.

This game is super fun, but man, it’s hard to find motivation to get through it. I’ve heard the story with the earlier games is better than this one, i don’t think it’s a spoiler to say the majority of the thrust of this game is what amounts to giving some weird dude a glow up, and also your character wants to fuck the horse. Obviously there’s some stuff here and there that’s really nice! I don’t know if i’m so used to the apocalyptica setting of other rpgs i’ve played, or if it’s honestly the game, it just didn’t grab me the way other games like this do. I believe i started this about a year and a half ago, took a long break, and bucked up for the past two months.

Gameplay is cool, a little dated even at the time, but like that’s kind of the appeal. I can get into the pedantic complaints, like “the map is so shitty” and “what do you mean i can’t undo my skill points” and “i’m sorry, i have to find orbs now?” but i won’t.

I really don’t know how to give this a fair review since i’ve played XI and it’s so monumentally a better game. Maybe if i had played this like 15 years ago i’d have given it a perfect score. Maybe this was what i was looking for when i complain about post-X final fantasy games. All i have of worth to say is that i had a really good time playing this, but you really ought to play XI if you’ve played zero dragon quest games. I really don’t see any value playing this today other than historical completionism.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2022
