the game that timelessly encapsulates the occult appeal of classic castlevania. was incredibly impressed by the striking cutscene presentation and elegantly strong soundtrack, taking great advantage of the powerful hardware that was ahead of its contemporaries. multiple routes, playable characters, endings; rondo’s ambitions paved their way to success accompanied by rewardingly difficult gameplay. every stage is crafted with a level of expertise that enforces you to be at your best while not being frustrating. both an evolution of, and tribute to the formula. classicvanias werent really my thing, and still kind of arent, but i seriously commend rondo for what it does and i did enjoy myself a whole lot throughout the adventure. the artistic integrity and ingenuity of the series is probably represented best here. super memorable and visually stirring. everything is just very earnestly cool. so many details hidden within every level just for the sake of contextualizing each area that much more. statues, weapons, and even paintings animating to life never gets old. rondo of blood is THE castlevania, for both old and new fans. konami if you liked money youd get your asses on porting requiem to shit that isnt ps4. unexpectedly been in a castlevania mood as of late but im not complaining, love this series. important lesson here is that small children have the power to do anything in pursuit of accusing someone for being “mean.”

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2022


1 year ago


1 year ago

good, now play Dracula X
unironically i might

1 year ago

coming back to this after my replay (with the good ending as well) to say that this game has really grown on me and i fucking love it to death now, this is the peak of 90s platformers

1 year ago


1 year ago

hell yeah, this game kicks ass