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This is the worst Batman game (So far, I haven't reviewed the Batman and Robin videogame yet, so I don't know). The Story is that Ra's Al Ghul is secretly planning an end to many cities, while he uses the Joker as a distraction to cause asylum breakouts and gang fights, and only Batman can save the day (or can he because there was no way anyone could of known how to save it), this story is alright for a videogame, nothing special though. The Characters are the same as the comic series, but they are recognizable enough so you don't have to read them to know them, except Batgirl, and the Oracle, modern society is too used to them being the same person, the interactions with the characters works great and feels like part of the Batman universe. The Graphics are really bad, models look bland, and Batman's cheeks make him look awful,
The Gameplay has you fight bad guys to the next objective, without being able to knock them out, because they come back up if you don't cuff them, the dialogue can be awful, you can swing off on the sky above the screen, but only when roof jumping, and not any other time for some unknown reason, generic fighting moves, gadgets are not grouped up, making cycling through them take longer than necessary, random cars explode when you go near them, easy boss fights, some obstacles that attack you before you get avoid it, stealth sections where can can't tell which way an enemy is looking without risk being caught first, later in the game Batman's signal is getting jammed, yet he can talk in the next moment clearly, a camera that changes in the same area, discovering Scarface is a real entity, despite every piece of Batman media saying he's not, combos you won't get taught, and an ending you will never get, because to get the good ending, you need to know that a computer you MIGHT come across is supposed to be hacked by you, when it looks like every other computer in videogames that are only a part of the scenery. The Music is great, fits perfectly, and makes me realize that the game could have been great, oh well. Batman: Dark Tomorrow, play today, hate your decision tomorrow.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
