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This is Chamber of Secrets on a time limit. The Story is the same as the movie, with changes like going into the forbidden forest for a potion ingredient instead of getting detention and getting to the forbidden corridor by having Draco challenge to a dual like in the book but turning up to send you though a trapdoor instead, this is a good way to bring the story to the chamber of secrets format. The Graphics are nearly the same as chamber of secrets, but less finished, but the atmosphere is finished though, so that's good, the classroom on the third floor is now the forbidden corridor, the forbidden forest door now leads to Hagrid's garden, and the potions room is open for lessons, herbology is open too. The Voice acting is bad, moments are either feel like they are reading the lines without emotion, or over the top for these characters. The Gameplay follows the chamber of secrets engine, but with a fifth menu for lost items, 6 spells instead of 8, the potions classes have you collect potion ingredients from Hagrid's garden, stealth is made worse by removing the tense music with barely noticeable music, so it's not as scary, flying lesson and quidditch is ruined by just flying through rings too fast to easily go in them, and music removed completely, and getting the highest grade is too easy thanks to the game automatically letting Gryffindor win without even needing to find lost items if you aren't perfect in classes, Lumos is used to have gargoyles to create platforms to climb on, Spongify is used to jump on certain tiles to jump into the air, half the night missions don't have prefects meaning the stealth isn't there as much, and the fact that the stealth now sucks doesn't change that fact, there's also a prefect inside the restricted section who's , you save Hermione from the troll despite the fact that the thing that made her cry isn't shown in this game and makes her lie for the boys even more pointless than it was in the movie, boss fighting trolls are boring, you can also fight venomous tentaculars though, just spongify the ground before he clubs it, even the house point totals can be checked when going by, and the cutscenes with them have no one in them, Hagrid also says go into the forbidden forest with you to keep you safe, and yet he only stands near the entrance well go to areas with the danger alone, a chess game that doesn't work like chess should, all these problems I mentioned during the explanation of the gameplay are just the ones that won't take me all day to type, clearly . The Music is great, but they aren't where they should be, the music is from the last game, and many moments are worse than the last game thanked by the lack of beautiful music every moment. Sounds are also terrible, not satisfyingly booming as the effects in the last game. Philosopher's Stone is a game that is only made good by copying a previous one, and the rushed production stop this game from being as good so much, that the few minor good added features barely register.

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2022
