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1 day

Last played

June 21, 2024

Platforms Played


I can’t believe that not only did I get my 300th gold trophy from this game but I also got my 1000th silver trophy.

As a lover of Mario Party buying this game as a joke when I saw it on sale and having a friend come over to play it was worth it but that doesn’t make it a good game.

The board gameplay is a mess of nonsense where you have basically zero ability to strategize. I wasn’t surprised at all to see there was only a single board.

The “roster” if you can call it that is just Garfield, Odie, Arlene and Nermal so you’ll be seeing them every time you play this. They couldn’t have made like Jon or Squeak playable? Jon is in the game but he’s just looking depressed whenever you see him in a mini game or sitting on the bench in the one board this game has.

The only thing keeping me from completely writing this game off is the fact that the mini games aren’t the worst. They mostly range from alright to actually pretty fun with only a few I’d say are bad. Now there are only 32 of them so that’s not saying a lot but I’d say the majority are fun.

The game is also a super easy platinum trophy on PlayStation with you just needing to win every mini game which means you don’t even need to touch the terrible board mode.

Unless I have some friends over who want to play a bad party game I won’t be touching this one again. Or if I decide to sit down and rank every mini game which honestly would still be more fun then playing the board mode!