Quest 64 1998

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An odd RPG game that took several questionable risks. Some were interesting, while some fell flat, but it certainly stood out within the 64 catalog. For disclosures sake I played this as a kid without the manual, which made it exceptionally obtuse, but thus more interesting and involved than it may have otherwise been. This leads me to admit I have a positive bias in my perspective, and I do enjoy returning to it in pieces. Playing it afterward as an adult with proper knowledge made it more manageable, but accentuated the strange tradeoffs this game made. While I can't make an honest recommendation about this game, I can say Its unique and memorable on the gameplay side, but admittedly forgettable in all else save for what nostalgia has burned into me like the soundtrack and vistas of the first few expanses you explore. At the very least I think its a worthwhile experience as an interesting case study in playing with conventions if approached with an open mind.