Gameplay being more of the same is not really a big problem here, but worth noting the result being it feeling more like a DLC than its own title. I'm confident that will sort itself out over time though. The bigger problem is this game being yet another prime example COUGHdiablo4COUGH that while Crossplay is certainly a noble goal, it's absolutely not worth the myriad downsides of pigeonholing into online-only model for a type of game that otherwise would absolutely not need to be. The onus of Crossplay really shouldn't be on developers as opposed to platforms, and releases like this really exemplify why, but hey, it is what it is I suppose. I think they had good intentions at least, rather than a structured excuse to crank up microtransactions "cus servers cost money DUuUur" (For a game that never needed servers). No doubt it'll improve over time with more content and variety like its predecessors did, but it's pretty much DOA for now. Worse, it'll be dead forever when they inevitably shut the servers down unlike Payday 1 or 2 if they don't ever take the hint from their playerbase and implement an offline mode. Sure hope it was worth the trouble getting their company bank account Heisted (heh) with chargebacks from the poor suckers who shelled out for it instead of trying it on gamepass!

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2023
