Playtime: 12 Hours
Score: 7/10

Really fun game! I remember me and my dad finding this game at a Music/DVD shop for an insanely low price, so my dad got me this and Fallout: New Vegas. Honestly one of the best video game hauls I ever got!

One thing I love about this game was how much it offered for its single player. You got 3 campaigns playing as each of the three races, which most game didn't offer at the time. My favorite being the marine campaign which felt the most claustrophobic and like the films. The guns you picked up were cool, though the pulse rifle felt really underpowered. The lighting as well is fantastic even to this day and makes the game still decent to look at over a decade later. Story is serviceable but nothing amazing. The Alien and Predator campaigns were fun too.

Some of the negatives are I wish the Alien and Predator campaigns were in third person, as it would make playing them a lot easier. Playing as the Alien for example would give me a lot of motion sickness with all the wall climbing. There's also just some downright terrible platforming sections that can be really annoying to do in first person, with both the Alien and Predator. I didn't end up finishing those two campaigns because it just got too frustrating to deal with. All three campaigns also use the exact same levels which can come across as lazy. Another thing is the collectables are cool with the marines since you pick up audio diaries that you can listen to and piece together the backstory of Weyland Bishop and the company. With the Predator you just collect generic looking belts that all look the same and the Alien you smash jelly containers. Ya pretty lame. I much prefer collectables in games that have a practical use.

Overall though, this is still a solid game from this IP. And it offers the best single player content alongside Alien Isolation.

All Games I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2023
