Tried this since its currently free on the Epic Games store, and played a few hours but just couldn't get into it. What I did like was the parkour stuff which felt smooth most of the time and was a fun way to get around. I also liked that you level up the different skill trees independently of each other, such as doing parkour give you xp for the agility tree and killing zombies nets you xp for the combat tree. It was fun and I liked that when I leveled up I didn't have to choose which tree to invest in with a single skill point.

As for negatives, the story just felt very generic and that they were trying really hard to be edgy. You also get presented with morally ambiguous choices, but the game doesn't let you make any, as it plays out in a very linear fashion. The gameplay started out good but quickly just became frustrating. Weapons break after a several swings and you can only repair them a limited amount of times which means you can't get attached to specific weapons. And even when you upgrade the durability of weapons, it doesn't improve it by much. A lot of the gameplay design also feels ripped straight out of Far Cry as the game feels really unoriginal. Even the animation that plays when you loot enemies is exactly like the one in Far Cry 3 with the same money icons even.

The missions also get repetitive and there's a lot of, interact with this object otherwise more enemies will spawn in, which is just such outdated mission design. About the point I stopped was when I was being swarmed by human enemies who were all hitting me at once, while an NPC was screaming at me on the radio to hit the switch. At that point I was pretty much done.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2023
