An okay DLC but a good addition to an already great game! Bethesda and Id could have just remastered Quake 2 on its own and called it a day, but they took it a step further and had Machine Games make new offical content for the game, as they did with Quake 1.

Structure wise this DLC feels more like Quake 1 where your on a space station and you going on different missions, to collect data discs, so you can go and stop the strogg maker. I will say the level design visually is really awesome, with some great large scale enviorments for you to explore. If you grew tired of the drab, brown looking military bases of the base game, then your in for a treat here. Also some of the enviromental storytelling is great too, especially on the level "Ruined Earth" which was my favorite. Also the final boss room was a great way to cap off the DLC.

In terms of negatives, although the level design is great, the enemy placement is terrible in this DLC. You will constantly be thrown into situations where there are DOZENS of the hardest enemies in one room all trying to kill you at once and its ridiculous. I like to call these "BFG moments", and they can be fun when you have the BFG, but other times when you don't have it, your kind of screwed. I don't know how your supposed to get past these moments on higher difficulties if your not god moding your way through it.

Overall, worth playing if you have the quake 2 remaster, or got upgraded to it for free like I did (since I owned the original game), but its not the best expansion for me.

All DLC I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2023


8 months ago

Quad Damage powerups are still present, just usually more hidden. If you manage to find them, you can actually stack both the Quad and Double for 8 times the damage! Also I barely used the BFG, I think this is far from a DOOM slaughtermap but it is definitely way more packed than any other campaign in the game, so there is a much higher difficulty.

8 months ago

@iv1632 Oh well then I retract my statement about Double Damage lol I just found the maps to be too crowded compared to the other campaigns.