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Another game where Yoko Taro masterfully displays why his unique storytelling just caters to my preferences in media.

Behind a game with mediocre combat system, linear and repetitive stage design, and "some" over the top jokes and dialogues. Is a masterpiece, and thematically cohesive story.

DrakeNier games have shown to have some really similar story elements wether it be tragic characters, references, or soundtracks, or the use of similar themes within them. And this game doesn't shy away from that. But what matters the most to me is how well and differently these games execute these similarities.

Zero, at first, might come off as an annoying and rude character that just goes on a killing spree for the sake of a meaningless "revenge", which itself might put off a lot of people from completing this game. But the more you play, and the more you start tackling different endings, the more you start connecting more with the character and understanding her goal. Which makes Zero an all around perfect and engaging protagonist that aligns with the series most important messages.

The intoners, after finishing the main game, didn't have much going for them. But the DLCs do a really good job at fleshing out these characters while giving more on their background. And seeing how each one of them evolves in their own separate way is very similar to android/robots in Nier Automata.

The Final song and Ending D:

"Goodnight... Zero."

I wanted to dedicate a part for the final sequence of the game. Firstly, I'm not gonna beat around the bush, this was really frustrating to master, especially around the final part of the 5 sisters together and that one note at the very end that comes off when you don't expect it at all. Besides that, this was, wether it be artistically, or thematically. One of, if not the most impressive conclusion of all time. The change in the color palette within the entirety of it, and the camera changes forcing the player to adapt to both the audio and the visual aspect of the final song was a perfect wrap up to a story involving 5 different sisters and their ability to bring peace through their voice, and the constant tragedy of our heroine. And i cannot possibly think of a more fitting final stretch to this amazing story.

Thank you Yoko Taro for yet another masterpiece. And now, unto "hopefully" Drakengard 1.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
