the more i peel back of GTA V, the less i like it. i suspect this rule will be consistent and exponential with successive time invested but i dislike a lot of its tone and narrative direction, pastiche you've seen everywhere else stitched together with rockstars trademark cynicism and satire, like a napalm strike that misses every target it should hit. really something that this game might age harder than GTA IV, a game i at least have some interest in returning to. in general red dead remains a better fit for these writing chops, if only for imbuing the world with a touch of humanity despite still being populated by the usual gallery of assholes (the houser brothers seem to have built their fortunes on getting good performers to wring out any kind of charisma from their flaccid scripts)

that said...the 'generous' score here is because im playing this with my gf, whose suggestions are pure id, and therefore im playing exactly the way rockstar intends for me to play. spending a day from dawn til dusk with this itinerary:
- strip club in the morning
- high speed police chase throughout town after some sidewalk shenanigans
- absolutely demolish my dodge challenger in the process
- wind up next to the games mountain trail, punch a dude off a bmx and steal it
- gf suggests making our way to the spire to take the cable car, i fend off several mountain lions in the process
- read emails before taking the cable car from franklins ex-girlfriend insisting their relationship is over
- took a cable car down to earth from my picturesque vantage point, basking in the night sky while the piercing sounds of sirens welcomed my return to the hustle and bustle of the daily grind
...inadvertently told a more quaint story than a short hike

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2021


2 years ago

not at all a novel observation but my tension with GTAV beyond it being like repugnant in existence and production and values is that theres something very unique and fertile and genuine abt its simulation elements, like its reaching so deeply to be like a capital-S Space for players to be in, to lovingly (re)create a locale as playground and sandbox and trainset, but they undercut that one true current of sincerity and thought for like dick jokes on billboard and screeching nasty npcs and every location being scatalogical puns. you can do so much, its so granular in parts, and yet none of it lets itself be genuine.. total cockshyness. appreciate ur anecdote in reminding me of that friction lol

2 years ago

hard agree. it's why despite it all im extremely interested in red dead 2 - for all these games foibles (production, systems, narrative), turning them into borderline simulation titles seems to be the way to keep me engaged

2 years ago

fwiw red dead 2 is much more sincere, and its sim elements are honestle thr most compelling element, but the narrative is imo a slog and the level design is rly bad, and unfortunately those sim elements are the most directly integral part of the games themes demonstrated in its ludology and its themes... are wack! plus theyre the most glaring and unavoidable icon of the human cost of the game. i think you might appreciate it more than i did, i think it was better than a lot of their games but i bounced off of it abt 25hrs in, so barely scratching the surface of the plot, because its still rockstar, and even a more earnest rockstar is a rly rly bitter pill for me.