This game was so hard on veteran it nearly sent me to an early grave. For how old it is the game has some great set pieces and grand battles not seen back then. With some cheap checkpoints, millions of grenades and crazy teammates you are looking at quite the experience. I’m proud to have this one done.

A fun little game that has a lot of charm and is a quirky little sandbox. The dialogue can be long winded and jokes don’t always hit. Yes the game has a few kinks but overall it was an entertaining experience with solid exploration.

Had more fun with this one than majority of the yakuza titles I have played. Nearly lost half a star due to its abundance of terrible tailing portions of the game that were never fun. Story and characters are a refreshing change from the normal mob stories. The adding of friends and side cases is welcome but can get in the way when forced on you in between main story chapters.

I have played a few walking simulators and this one stands out among most. The voice acting is fantastic and celebrates proper Scottish dialect. The characters reactions to the horrors are believable and help elevate the haunting nature. Like all horror games of this nature, after the first few scares it does become watered down but overall it was an enjoyable journey.