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1 day

Last played

June 23, 2023

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This DLC can simply just be described as disappointing.

So, this DLC doesn't change up gameplay much at all, except for a new weapon for your ship that is utterly useless and some armor sets, a couple are actually pretty cool. The main focus of this DLC is the story, and it also fills out missions on parts of the map that were otherwise unused in the main campaign.

I was actually enjoying the story of this DLC more than the base game at first. It was actually quite interesting, coherent, and has a lot of mystery going on. Darius is easily the coolest character not just in the DLC, but the entire game, and Neema is alright. But back on topic, about halfway through the story it all just started to fall apart, and it felt rushed. Ideas aren't explored nearly as deep as they should be, and when it all ends I was just thinking "that's it?"

Darius is seemingly the first assassin, is a total badass, and has the first ever hidden blade, he is the best part of this thing, yet we learn almost nothing about him throughout the DLC, and we don't even get the hidden blade after beating the DLC, which feels kinda insulting but I get it.

Another major problem is how disconnected it all feels from the rest of the story. I played this after beating the main game, where I saved all of my family members, killed the cult, and learned that I must protect the gates of Atlantis, yet seemingly none of this matters in the DLC. My character never ONCE tells his wife or father-in-law about the rest of his family, or about his duty with Atlantis, which is a total immersion breaker. Also, I already defeated the cult, yet they are present as enemies during the DLC, which makes no sense. It seems the story was majorly held back by making it accessible while you're going through the main game, I'd have preferred it to be locked until completion so it actually makes sense.

I'm rambling a bit too much, but overall this DLC is more of the same with a disconnected and disappointing story that could've been so much more.

If you wanna see my rankings as I go through the series, click here.