KeyWe 2021

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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 24, 2024

Platforms Played


Honestly pretty shocked at how high this one's rated.

Finished this one with the missus, and I am thoroughly disappointed here. A silly kiwi coop game? Sounds fantastic! Just kidding, you're doing simple puzzles that I could find on my phone, bordering on doing virtual chores.

The one thing this game excels in is variety and switching up the formula, however the 4 sets of base mini-games, that you'll be playing till start to finish, is either in camp boring or annoying land, so this variety isn't too helpful.

The side content outside of these extremely boring or tedious main missions is...... also boring! It is little arcade puzzles/qte's where you rack up a score before the timer runs out. Nothing wrong with that, but again it's just boring mini-games with the depth I'd expect out of a phone game.

Simplicity isn't necessarily a bad thing, I think if I had a kid I'd play this with them, but as I do not, this game is a major snoozer. It doesn't help that the music is generic and the graphics are noticeably ugly, there's just nothing for me to latch onto here other than I think kiwis are cute.

Quite the miss, this is a very neat concept and I'll always want more coop games. However, I want the coop games to stimulate my brain a lil more and keep me awake.