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Played on PS2

One of the best basketball games I've played in recent memory. Easy to understand and is just good fun.
Game play is a 3v3 basketball game, which goes more into the crazy cartoon-ish basketball, but still remains somewhat grounded and real.

This game features a pretty large cast and you can feel differences between some of the more famous characters, some can feel unique is what I mean. Controls and abilities are simple yet complex enough to where someone could master the game and whatnot. Just really fun stuff, reminiscent of NBA Jam but much more complex.

You can create characters which is pretty awesome for a PS2 game, but of course, the character maker is very limited in options, glad it's here regardless.

One issue I have with this game is unlocking stuff feels too grindy. I mean you've really got to play a lot of this fucking game to unlock everything, like an insane amount of playtime.

I'd say the main mode of single player is the "Be a Legend" game mode. It's not half bad, you can make your own team with your custom character and can create your own team from players you meet in matches. You can further customize your characters clothing with points you unlock by winning, and can also improve certain stats of your character with these points, an early less complex version of what progression is found in the 2K "MyPlayer" game mode. Unfortunately though, I don't think you earn actually credits to buy stuff from the rewards store, which as I mentioned earlier, the store is incredibly grindy, so not getting any points makes it feel like playing the legend game mode is wasting time.

The other game modes include just a standard pick team and play game mode, a tutorial mode, and an "NBA Challenge" mode, where you make a team and beat every then-current NBA team, this mode is pretty cool honestly.

The soundtrack is pretty dope, just solid stuff from the era, such as "Chief Rocka" and "This or That". Out of sports games soundtracks, this one is top tier.
Despite a lot of the cast I still haven't unlocked, the cast is pretty huge for a PS2 game and has a lot to offer. you have street legends, which are unique characters made for the game, at the time current NBA players from each team, each team usually has 3-5 players on them, and NBA legends, which include legacy characters like Larry Bird, 96' Michael Jordan, etc. And finally, custom characters, there are 10 custom character slots.

If you're a fan of basketball I'd highly recommend this game, one of the absolute best from its era, and in my opinion is much more fun than NBA Live and NBA 2K.

Hell I'd say this is more fun than NBA Jam, play this game with some friends and it'll just be fun.